Annales Universitatis Turkuensis
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis-sarja julkaisee Turun yliopiston väitöskirjoja.
- Prenatal stress, genetic variations and recurrent respiratory tract infections -the... 15,00 €
- Promoting flexible mathematical thinking with growth mindset, deliberate practice, and... 15,00 €
- Psykososiaalisten riskitekijöiden kirjaaminen työterveyshuollon terveystarkastuksissa:... 15,00 €
- Pyhimyksiä vai harhaoppisia? : Maallikkojen hengellisestä liikehdinnästä muistamisen... 15,00 €
- Quantum communication tasks 15,00 €
- Radical Multiplicity: Translingual “Feminine” Writing and Corporeal Knowing in the... 15,00 €
- Recognition of single- and double-stranded nucleic acids by covalently mercurated... 15,00 €
- Regulation of Human Aromatase Gene Exression in Adipose Tissue 15,00 €
- Resources, capital, and players inside the game worlds: Bourdieusian approach to game cultures 15,00 €
- Restoratiivisen työyhteisösovitteluprosessin arviointi, työhyvinvointi- ja... 15,00 €
- Role of cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A in the regulation of T-cell response 15,00 €
- Sapenpurkua ja sanasotia. 1800-luvun lopun suomalaislehdistön ärtynyt tunne- ja... 15,00 €
- Screening of Novel Therapeutic Targets and Risk Alleles for Cardiac Disorders 15,00 €
- Seksuaalinen itsemääräämisoikeus. Rikosoikeuden muutos ja feministisen... 15,00 €
- Self-Aware resource management in embedded systems 15,00 €
- Sosionomit (ylempi AMK) muuttuvilla työmarkkinoilla. Tutkinnon suorittaneiden... 15,00 €
- Spiders of Iran – Systematics, diversity and distribution 15,00 €
- Structural and chemical modifications of porous silicon for biomedical applications 15,00 €
- Structure elucidation and ruminant-related bioactivities of purified proanthocyanidins 15,00 €
- Studies of multilingual Finnish-Norwegian adolescents' mastering of multi-word units 15,00 €
- SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS: A hospital-wide registering system and factors associated with... 15,00 €
- Sustainable management of social-ecological systems 15,00 €
- The Construction of Entrepreneurial Opportunities - Focus on Women Entrepreneurs 15,00 €
- The dynamic layers of socially embedded vulnerability in preadolescence: How can... 15,00 €
- The effects of mindfulness and self-compassion on the well-being of upper secondary... 15,00 €
- The Good Noblemen Who Conquered the Kingdom: Islam, Historiography, and Aristocratic... 15,00 €